Download this free white paper on Successful Business Listing for you dealership. Whether you are listing your business for the first time, or re-claiming to clean it up, follow these instructions for Google My Business, Yahoo, Bing, Yelp, Yellow Pages, Facebook and Merchantcircle.com.
There are 6 important things you need to know before getting started:
- Remember your login information and passwords. You will be creating an account for each site, and your username may not always be available. It is important to store your information in a safe place.
- Some of the steps listed on the business listings websites may be outdated or do not work with systems you have set up internally. If necessary, look for opportunities to get a live person on the phone (we will provide you with the phone numbers we found).
- If you have more than one location, you'll need to claim your business through each location. Search engines want to make sure you are who you say you are. Whatever phone number and/or address you are using for the business, the search engines will double check through either a phone call, text, or pin number they mail to you.
- These business listings websites can be very sensitive. If you try to hit the “back” button once you are in the process of listing your business, you will lose everything and have to start over.
- Keep your data relevant. Many businesses, clients, and prospective clients are surprised with information they find on listings because it is incorrect, potentially even linking to the wrong website. If your business is already listed and the information is incorrect, it’s likely the information is incorrect on other listing sites as well. Your goal is to claim your business so you have access to make updates or changes in the future.
- Listing your businesses will be worth it! Once you have claimed your locations across all search engines, signing back in is a piece of cake. It’s a great feeling to be able to be back in control, and you'll increase your search ranking when listings are consistent.