These are just three marketing words that will evoke emotion in a powersports enthusiast. When you tap into the emotions of customers who are seeking fun, freedom or adventure, you convert lookers into buyers. Easier done face-to-face, but more of a challenge from a website. The marketing text displayed on your vehicle detail pages makes an attempt to evoke emotion by using phrases such as “answer the call to the open road” and “rebellious side of fun.” Unfortunately, these phrases may be overlooked when a consumer quickly skims through the vehicle details on your website.
This is where video steps in to connect with your customer through an emotional sweet spot.
You might ask yourself, “I see how videos help other industries, but how would videos help MY DEALERSHIP?” Plain and simple. Videos are more fun and easier to watch. Whether on your handheld device or on your computer, you are going to choose to watch a video over reading text every time. Just think of all the unit features you can communicate and the information you can share with your viewer while you’ve got their undivided attention, all while making an emotional connection through the sound of the guttural rumble of an engine and the glint of polished chrome.
Ninety percent of users say that product videos help in their decision making process.* Guide vehicle shoppers on your site through their decision making process by adding video on your vehicle detail pages.
By viewing a unit video on your website, your customers not only gets a 360 view of their vehicle of interest, they quickly learn the product information they are seeking. In return, you increase lead and sales opportunities by generating excitement in a way that still photos and text aren’t able.
Getting started is actually quite easy. With today’s technology, you don’t need expensive equipment. By simply recording video from your Smartphone, GoPro or camera, you will be able to show your consumers exactly what the unit looks like, how it sounds, and even help them experience the ride, in just a few short minutes. This will immediately weed out those who are uninterested in the unit and drive the visits of serious buyers into your shop where your sales team can close the deal.
In fact, video is a perfect opportunity to introduce your sales team to your customer before they even step into your dealership. Video adds another dimension to the online marketing experience by connecting your customer to a human face, increasing familiarity and trust between buyer and seller.
When featuring new inventory, use video to increase interest by promoting enhancements over the prior year’s model. Provide a sense of security with warranty information. Capture interest by including details that a consumer won’t necessarily pick up by briefly scanning photos or vehicle details.
For pre-owned, in addition to uploading actual photos of the unit, include a video walk-around. Call attention to the details and selling features of the unit that you might not get across through photos or easily-missed marketing text. Create a sense of urgency by mentioning pricing specials. Use this as an opportunity to get the customer excited enough to call, stop in or submit a lead!
Embrace the technology at your fingertips. Choose a unit. List out the key features you wish to point out. Include the words, sound effects and voice inflections that will awaken emotions as your customer imagines the thrill of riding through the twisties or down a rugged ATV trail. Then go for it. Record your video. Upload it to your website. Done deal.